Zabbix源码分析 -- Zabbix前端创建Host分析
创建Host步骤:选择Configuration -> Hosts,点击Create host。
点击完Create host后,出现创建Host的界面,在此界面需要填写Host、Templates、IPMI、Macros、Host inventory的信息。
我们可以调用API.php中定义的相关函数,得到对应的类,再使用此类中的方法来处理请求(A map of classes that should handle the corresponding API objects requests)。
class API { ... /** *A map of classes that should handle the corresponding API objects requests. *@var array */ protected static $classMap = array( 'action' => 'CAction', 'alert' => 'CAlert', 'apiinfo' => 'CAPIInfo', 'application' => 'CApplication', 'configuration' => 'CConfiguration', 'dcheck' => 'CDCheck', 'dhost' => 'CDHost', 'discoveryrule' => 'CDiscoveryRule', 'drule' => 'CDRule', 'dservice' => 'CDService', 'event' => 'CEvent', 'graph' => 'CGraph', 'graphitem' => 'CGraphItem', 'graphprototype' => 'CGraphPrototype', 'host' => 'CHost', 'hostgroup' => 'CHostGroup', 'hostinterface' => 'CHostInterface', 'history' => 'CHistory', 'hostinterface' => 'CHostInterface', 'image' => 'CImage', 'iconmap' => 'CIconMap', 'item' => 'CItem', 'itemprototype' => 'CItemPrototype', 'maintenance' => 'CMaintenance', 'map' => 'CMap', 'mediatype' => 'CMediatype', 'proxy' => 'CProxy', 'service' => 'CService', 'screen' => 'CScreen', 'screenitem' => 'CScreenItem', 'script' => 'CScript', 'template' => 'CTemplate', 'templatescreen' => 'CTemplateScreen', 'templatescreenitem' => 'CTemplateScreenItem', 'trigger' => 'CTrigger', 'triggerprototype' => 'CTriggerPrototype', 'user' => 'CUser', 'usergroup' => 'CUserGroup', 'usermacro' => 'CUserMacro', 'usermedia' => 'CUserMedia', 'httptest' => 'CHttpTest', 'webcheck' => 'CHttpTest' ); ... /** * @return CDiscoveryRule */ //如通过API::DiscoveryRule()即可得到类CDiscoveryRule,API中其它的函数有类似的作用。 public static function DiscoveryRule(){ return self::getObject('discoveryrule'); } ... /** * @return CGraph */ public static function Graph(){ return self::getObject('graph'); } /** * @return CGraphItem */ public static function GraphItem(){ return self::getObject('graphitem'); } /** * @return CGraphPrototype */ public static function GraphPrototype(){ return self::getObject('graphprototype'); } ... /** * @return CHost */ public static function Host(){ return self::getObject('host'); } /** * @return CHostPrototype */ public static function HostPrototype(){ return self::getObject('hostprototype'); } /** * @return CHostGroup */ public static function HostGroup(){ return self::getObject('hostgroup'); } /** * @return CHostInterface */ public static function Host(){ return self::getObject('host'); } ... /** * @return CItem */ public static function Item(){ return self::getObject('item'); } /** * @return CItemPrototype */ public static function ItemPrototype(){ return self::getObject('itemprototype'); } ... /** * @return CTrigger */ public static function Trigger(){ return self::getObject('trigger'); } /** * @return CTriggerPrototype */ public static function TriggerPrototype(){ return self::getObject('triggerprototype'); } ... /** * @return CUserMacro */ public static function UserMacro(){ return self::getObject('usermacro'); } ...
我们可以通过调用Manager.php得到数据库管理对象,利用数据库管理对象可以创建可被存储的实例(A class for creating a storing instances of DB objects managers)。
/** * A class for creating a storing instances of DB objects managers. */ class Manager extends CFactoryRegistry { public static function getInstance($class = __CLASS__){ return parent::getInstance($class); } /** * @return CApplicationManager */ public static function Application(){ return self::getInstance()->getObject('CApplicationManager'); } /** * @return CHistoryManager */ public static function History(){ return self::getInstance()->getObject('CHistoryManager'); } /** * @return CHttpTestManager */ public static function HttpTest(){ return self::getInstance()->getObject('CHttpTestManager'); } }
... else { $macros = get_request('macros', array()); $interfaces = get_request('interfaces', array()); $templates = get_request('templates', array()); $groups = get_request('groups', array()); $linkedTemplates = $templates; $templates = array(); foreach ($linkedTemplates as $templateId) { $templates[] = array('templateid' => $templateId); } foreach ($interfaces as $key => $interface) { if (zbx_empty($interface['ip']) && zbx_empty($interface['dns'])) { unset($interface[$key]); continue; } if ($interface['isNew']) { unset($interfaces['$key]['interfaceid']); } unset($interfaces[$key]['isNew']); $interfaces[$key]['main'] = 0; } $interfaceTypes = array(INTERFACE_TYPE_AGENT, ITERFACE_TYPE_SNMP, INTERFACE_TYPE_JMX, INTERFACE_TYPE_IPMI); foreach ($interfaceTypes as $type) { if (isset($_REQUEST['mainInterfaces'][$type])) { $interfaces[$_REQUEST['mainInterfaces'[$type]]['main'] = '1'; } } // ignore empty new macros, i.e., macros rows that have not been filled foreach ($macros as $key => $macro) { if (!isset($macro['hostmacroid']) && zbx_empty($macro['macro']) && zbx_empty($macro['value'])) { unset($macros[$key]); } } foreach ($macros as $key => $macro) { //transform macros to uppercase {$aaa} => {$AAA} $macros[$key]['macro'] = zbx_strtoupper($macro['macro']); } //create new group if (!zbx_empty($_REQUEST['newgroup'])) { if (!$newGroup = API::HostGroup()->create(array('name' => $_REQUEST['newgroup']))) { throw new Exception(); } $groups[] = reset($newGroup['groupids']); } $groups = zbx_toObject($groups, 'groupid'); $host = array( 'host' => $_REQUEST['host'], 'name' => $_REQUEST['visiblename'], 'status' => $_REQUEST['status'], 'proxy_hostid' => get_request('proxy_hostid', 0), 'ipmi_authtype' => get_request('ipmi_authtype'), 'ipmi_privilege' => get_request('ipmi_privilege'), 'ipmi_username' => get_request('ipmi_username'), 'ipmi_password' => get_request('ipmi_password'), 'groups' => $groups, 'templates' => $templates, 'interfaces' => $interfaces, 'macros' => $macros, 'inventory' => (get_request('inventory_mode') != HOST_INVENTORY_DISABLED) ? get_request('host_inventory', array()) : null, 'inventory_mode' => get_request('inventory_mode') ); if (!$createNew) { $host['templates_clear'] = zbx_toObject(get_request('clear_tmplates', array()), 'templateid'); } } if ($createNew) { // 通过API.php的类映射功能,调用CHost.php中类CHost的create方法,向create方法中传入的参数为$host。 $hostIds = API::Host()->create($host); if ($hostIds) { $hostId = reset($hostIds['hostids']); } else { throw new Exception(); } add_audit_ext(AUDIT_ACTION_ADD, AUDIT_RESOURCE_HOST, $hostId, $host['host'], null, null, null); } ...
中,先调用DB::insert('hosts_groups', $groupsToAdd)
往hosts_groups表中插入数据;然后通过$result = API::Host()->massAdd($options)
往相应表中插入数据,关于这个函数会在下面做进一步讲解;最后调用DB::insert('host_inventory', array($hostInventory), false)
CHost.php: CHost->create($host)
/** * Add Host * * @param array $hosts multidimensional array with Hosts data * @param string $hosts ['host'] Host name. * @param array $hosts ['groups'] array of HostGroup objects with IDs add Host to. * @param int $hosts ['port'] Port. OPTIONAL * @param int $hosts ['status'] Host Status. OPTIONAL * @param int $hosts ['useip'] Use IP. OPTIONAL * @param string $hosts ['dns'] DNS. OPTIONAL * @param string $hosts ['ip'] IP. OPTIONAL * @param int $hosts ['proxy_hostid'] Proxy Host ID. OPTIONAL * @param int $hosts ['ipmi_authtype'] IPMI authentication type. OPTIONAL * @param int $hosts ['ipmi_privilege'] IPMI privilege. OPTIONAL * @param string $hosts ['ipmi_username'] IPMI username. OPTIONAL * @param string $hosts ['ipmi_password'] IPMI password. OPTIONAL * * @return boolean */ public function create($hosts) { $hosts = zbx_toArray($hosts); $hostids = array(); $this->checkInput($hosts, __FUNCTION__); foreach ($hosts as $host) { $hostid = DB::insert('hosts', array($host)); $hostids[] = $hostid = reset($hostid); $host['hostid'] = $hostid; // save groups // groups must be added before calling massAdd() for permission validation to work $groupsToAdd = array(); foreach ($host['groups'] as $group) { $groupsToAdd[] = array( 'hostid' => $hostid, 'groupid' => $group['groupid'] ); } //调用DB.php中类DB的insert函数,往hosts_groups表格中插入数据 DB::insert('hosts_groups', $groupsToAdd); //初始化$options,并为其赋值 $options = array(); $options['hosts'] = $host; if (isset($host['templates']) && !is_null($host['templates'])) { $options['templates'] = $host['templates']; } if (isset($host['macros'] && !is_null($host['macros'])) { $options['macros'] = $host['macros']; } if (isset($host['interfaces']) && !is_null($host['interfaces'])) { $options['interfaces'] = $host['interfaces']; } //调用CHost.php中类CHost的massAdd函数,传入的参数为$options $result = API::Host()->massAdd($options); if (!$result) { self::exception(); } if (!empty($host['inventory'])) { $hostInventory = $host['inventory']; $hostInventory['hostid'] = $hostid; $hostInventory['inventory_mode'] = isset($host['inventory_mode']) $hostInventory['inventory_mode'] = isset($host['inventory_mode'])?$host['inventory_mode']:HOST_INVENTORY_MANUAL; //调用DB.php中类DB的insert函数,向host_inventory表格中插入数据 DB::insert('host_inventory', array($hostInventory), false); } } return array('hostids' => $hostids); }
CHost->massAdd(array $data)
CHost.php: CHost->massAdd(array $data)
/** * Additionally allows to create new interfaces on hosts. * * Checks write permissions for hosts. * * Additional supported $data parameters are: * - interfaces - an array of interfaces to create on the hosts * - templates - an array of templates to link to the hosts, overrides the CHostGeneral::massAdd() 'templates' parameter * * @param array $data * * @return array */ public function massAdd(array $data) { $hosts = isset($data['hosts']) ? zbx_toArray($data['hosts']) : array(); $hostIds = zbx_objectValues($hosts, 'hostid'); // check permissions if (!$this->isWritable($hostIds)) { self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PERMISSIONS, _('You do not have permission to perform this operation.')); } // add new interfaces if (!empty($data['interfaces])) { API::HostInterface()->massAdd(array( 'hosts' => $data['hosts'], 'interfaces' => zbx_toArray($data['interfaces']) )); } // rename the "templates" parameter to the common "templates_link" if (isset($data['templates'])) { $data['templates_link'] = $data['templates']; unset($data['templates']); } $data['templates'] = array(); //类CHost的父类为CHostGeneral,这里是在调用父类CHostGeneral的massAdd函数,传入的参数为$data,类CHostGeneral定义于文件CHostGeneral.php中 return parent::massAdd($data); }
CHostGeneral.php中讲到类CHostGeneral有三个作用:add hosts to groups, link templates to hosts, add new macros to hosts.
add hosts to groups通过调用API::HostGroup()->massAdd()
link templates to hosts通过调用$this->link()
add new macros to hosts通过调用API::UserMacro()->create($hostMacrosToAdd)
CHostGeneral.php: CHostGeneral->massAdd(array $data)
/** * Allows to: * - add hosts to groups; * - link templates to hosts; * - add new macros to hosts; * * Supported $data parameters are: * - hosts - an array of hosts to be updated * - templates - an array of templates to be updated * - groups - an array of host groups to add the host to * - templates_link - an array of templates to link to the hosts * - macros - an array of macros to create on the host * * @param array $data * * @return array */ public function massAdd(array $data) { $hostIds = zbx_objectValues($data['hosts'], 'hostid'); $templateIds = zbx_objectValues($data['templates'], 'templateid'); $allHostIds = array_merge($hostIds, $templateIds); // add groups if (!empty($data['groups'])){ API::HostGroup()->massAdd($options = array( 'hosts' => $data['hosts'], 'templates' => $data['templates'], 'groups' => $data['groups'] )); } // link templates if (!empty($data['templates_link'])){ if (!API::Host()->isWritable($allHostIds)){ self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PERMISSIONS, _('No permissions to referred object or it does not exist!') ); } //调用类CHostGeneral的方法link $this->link(zbx_objectValues(zbx_toArray($data['templates_link']), 'templateid'), $allHostIds); } // create macros if (!empty($data['macros'])) { $data['macros'] = zbx_toArray($data['macros']); $hostMacrosToAdd = array(); foreach ($data['macros'] as $hostMacro) { foreach ($allHostIds as $hostid) { $hostMacro['hostid'] = $hostid; $hostMacrosToAdd[] = $hostMacro; } } API::UserMacro()->create($hostMacrosToAdd); } $ids = array('hostids' => $hostIds, 'templateids' => $templateIds); return array($this->pkOption() => $ids[$this->pkOption()]); }
的作用如前所属就是link templates to hosts,它调用了很多类中的方法来实现,从这里到本文结束都是在讲CHostGeneral->link
中调用的各方法的实现,因其太多不一一解释,仅列出源码,我们要记住一点的就是它们总的来说是在实现"link templates to hosts"这个目标。
CHostGeneral.php: CHostGeneral->link
protected function link(array $templateIds, array $targetIds) { //类CHostGeneral的父类为CHostBase,这里调用的是类CHostBase的link方法,类CHostBase定义于文件CHostBase.php中 $hostLinkageInserts = parent::link($templateIds, $targetIds); foreach ($hostsLinkageInserts as $hostTplIds) { Manager::Application()->link($hostTplIds['templateid'],$hostTplIds['hostid']); API::DiscoveryRule()->syncTemplates(array( 'hostids' => $hostTplIds['hostid'], 'templateids' => $hostTplIds['templateid'] )); API::Itemprototype()->syncTemplates(array( 'hostids' => $hostTplIds['hostid'], 'templateids' => $hostTplIds['templateid'] )); API::HostPrototype()->syncTemplates(array( 'hostids' => $hostTplIds['hostid'], 'templateids' => $hostTplIds['templateid'] )); API::Item()->syncTemplates(array( 'hostids' => $hostTplIds['hostid'], 'templateids' => $hostTplIds['templateid'] )); Manager::HttpTest()->link($hostTplIds['templateid'], $hostTplIds['hostid']); } // we do linkage in two separate loops because for triggers you need all items already created on host foreach ($hostsLinkageInserts as $hostTplIds) { API::Trigger()->syncTemplates(array( 'hostids' => $hostTplIds['hostid'], 'templateids' => $hostTplIds['templateid'] )); API::TriggerPrototype()->syncTemplates(array( 'hostids' => $hostTplIds['hostid'], 'templateids' => $hostTplIds['templateid'] )); API::GraphPrototype()->syncTemplates(array( 'hostids' => $hostTplIds['hostid'], 'templateids' => $hostTplIds['templateid'] )); API::Graph()->syncTemplates(array( 'hostids' => $hostTplIds['hostid'], 'templateids' => $hostTplIds['templateid'] )); } foreach ($hostsLinkageInserts as $hostTplIds){ API::Trigger()->syncTemplateDependencies(array( 'templateids' => $hostTplIds['templateid'], 'hostids' => $hostTplIds['hostid'] )); } return $hostsLinkageInserts; }
CHostBase.php: CHostBase->link
/** * Links the templates to the given hosts. * * @param array $templateIds * @param array $targetIds an array of host IDs to link the templates to * * @return array an array of added hosts_templates rows, with 'hostid' and 'templateid' set for each row */ protected function link(array $templateIds, array $targetIds) { if (empty($templateIds)) { return; } // permission check if (!API::Template()->isReadable($templateIds)) { self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PERMISSIONS, _('No permissions to referred object or it does not exist!')); } // check if someone passed duplicate templates in the same query $templateIdDuplicates = zbx_arrayFindDuplicates($templateIds); if (!zbx_empty($templateIdDuplicates)) { $duplicatesFound = array(); foreach ($templateIdDuplicates as $value => $count) { $duplicatesFound[] = _s('template ID "%1$s" is passed %2$s times', $value, $count); } self::exception( ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _s('Cannot pass duplicate template IDs for the linkage: %s.', implode(', ', $duplicatesFound)) ); } // check if any templates linked to targets have more than one unique item key/application foreach ($targetIds as $targetid){ $linkedTpls = API::Templates()->get(array( 'nopermissions' => true, 'output' => array('templateid'), 'hostids' => $targetid )); $templateIdsAll = array_merge($templateIds, zbx_objectValues($linkedTpls, 'templateid')); $dbItems = DBselect( 'SELECT i.key_'. ' FROM items i'. ' WHRER '.dbConditionInt('i.hostid', $templateIdsAll). ' GROUP BY i.key_'. ' HAVING COUNT(i.itemid)>1' ); if ($dbItem = DBfetch($dbItems)) { $dbItemHost = API::Item()->get(array( 'output' => array('hostid'), 'filter' => array('key_' => $dbItem['key_']), 'templateids' => $templateIdsAll )); $dbItemHost = reset($dbItemHost); $template = API::Template()->get(array( 'output' => array('name'), 'templateids' => $dbItemsHost['hostid'] )); $template = reset($template); self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _s('Template "%1$s" with item key "%2$s" already linked to host.', $template['name'], $dbItem['key_'])); } } // get DB templates which exists in all targets $res = DBselect('SELECT * FROM hosts_templates WHERE '.dbConditionInt('hostid', $targetIds)); $mas = array(); while ($row = DBfetch($res)) { if (!isset($mas[$row['templateid']])) { $mas[$row['templateid']] = array(); } $mas[$row['templateid']][$row['hostid']] = 1; } $targetIdCount = count($targetIds); $commonDBTemplateIds = array(); foreach ($mas as $templateId => $targetList) { if (count($targetList) == $targetList) { $commonDBTemplateIds[] = $templateId; } } // check if there are any template with triggers which depends on triggers intemplates which will be not linked $commonTemplateIds = array_unique(array_merge($commonDBTemplateIds, $templateIds)); foreach ($templateIds as $templateid) { $triggerids = array(); $dbTriggers = get_triggers_by_hostid($templateid); while ($trigger = DBfetch($dbTriggers)) { $triggerids[$trigger['triggerid']] = $trigger['triggerid']; } $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT'. ' FROM trigger_depends td, functions f, items i, hosts h'. ' WHERE ('. dbConditionInt('td.triggerid_down', $triggerids). ' AND f.triggerid=td.triggerid_up'. ' )'. ' AND i.itemid=f.itemid'. ' AND h.hostid=i.hostid'. ' AND '.dbConditionInt('h.hostid', $commonTemplateIds, true). ' AND h.status='.HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE; if ($dbDepHost = DBfetch(DBselect($sql))){ $temTpls = API::Template()->get(array( 'templateids' => $templateid, 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND )); $tmpTpl = reset($tmpTpls); self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _S('Trigger in template "%1$s" has dependency with trigger in template "%2$s".', $tmpTpl['host'], $dbDepHost['host'])); } } $res = DBselect( 'SELECT ht.hostid, ht.templateid'. ' FROM hosts_templates ht'. ' WHERE '.dbConditionInt('ht.hostid', $targetIds). ' AND ' .dbConditionInt('ht.templateid', $templateIds) ); $linked = array(); while ($row = DBfetch($res)) { if (!isset($linked[$row['hostid']])) { $linked[$row['hostid']] = array(); } $linked[$row['hostid']][$row['templateid']] = 1; } // add template linkages, if problems rollback later $hostsLinkageInserts = array(); foreach ($targetIds as $targetid) { foreach ($templateIds as $templateid) { if (isset($linked[$targetid]) && isset($linked[$targetid][$templateid])) { continue; } $hostsLinkageInserts[] = array('hostid' => $tartgetid, 'templateid' => $templateid); } } DB::insert('hosts_templates', $hostsLinkageInserts); // check if all trigger templates are linked to host. // we try to find template that is not linked to hosts ($targetids) // and exists trigger which reference that template and template from ($templateids) $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCE'. ' FROM functions f, items i, triggers t, hosts h'. ' WHERE f.itemid=i.itemid'. ' AND f.triggerid=t.triggerid'. ' AND i.hostid=h.hostid'. ' AND h.status='.HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE. ' AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM hosts_templates ht WHERE ht.templateid=i.hostid AND '.dbConditionInt('ht.hostid', $targetIds).')'. ' AND EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM functions ff, items ii WHERE ff.itemid=ii.itemid AND ff.triggerid=t.triggerid AND '.dbConditionInt('ii.hostid', $templateIds). ')'; if ($dbNotLinkedTpl = DBfetch(DBselect($sql, 1)){ self::exception( ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _s('Trigger has items from template "%1$s" that is not linked to host.', $dbNotLinkedTpl['host']) ); } // check template linkage circularity $res = DBselect( 'SELECT ht.hostid,ht.templateid'. ' FROM hosts_templates ht, hosts h'. ' WHERE ht.hostid=h.hostid'. ' AND h.status IN(' .HOST_STATUS_MONITORED.','.HOST_STATUS_NOT_MONITORED.','.HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE.')' ); // build linkage graph and prepare list for $rootList generation $graph = array(); $hasParentList = array(); $hasChildList = array(); $all = array(); while ($row = DBfetch($res)) { if (!isset($graph[$row['hostid']])){ $graph[$row['hostid']] = array(); } $graph[$row['hostid']][] = $row['templateid']; $hasParentList[$row['templateid']] = $row['templateid']; $hasChildList[$row['hostid']] = $row['hostid']; $all[$row['templateid']] = $row['templateid']; $all[$row['hostid']] = $row['hostid']; } // get list of templates without parents $rootList = array(); foreach ($hasChildList as $parentId) { if (!isset($hasParentList[$parentId])) { $rootList[] = $parentId; } } // search cycles and double linkages in rooted parts of graph $visited = array(); foreach ($rootList as $root) { $path = array(); // raise exception on cycle or double linkage $this->checkCircularAndDoubleLinkage($graph, $root, $path, $visited); } // there is still possible cycles without root if (count($visited) < count($all)) { self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Circular template linkage is not allowed.')); } return $hostLinkageInserts; }
CApplicationManager.php: CApplicationManager->link
/** * Link applications in template to host. * * @param $templateId * @param $hostIds * * @return bool */ public function link($templateId, $hostIds) { $hostIds = zbx_toArray($hostIds); //fetch template applications $applications = DBfetchArray(DBselect( 'SELECT a.applicationid,, a.hostid'. ' FROM applications a'. ' WHERE a.hostid='.zbx_dbstr($templateId) )); $this->inherit($applications, $hostIds); return true; }
CDiscoveryRule.php: CDiscoveryRule->syncTemplates
public function syncTemplates($data) { $data['templateids'] = zbx_toArray($data['templateids']); $data['hostids'] = zbx_toArray($data['hostids']); $selectFields = array(); foreach ($this->fieldRules as $key => $rules) { if (!isset($rules['system']) && !isset($rules['host'])){ $selectFields[] = $key; } } $items = $this->get(array( 'hostids' => $data['templateids'], 'preservekeys' => true, 'output' => $selectFields )); $this->inherit($items, $data['hostids']); return true; }
CDiscoveryRule.php: CDiscoveryRule->inherit
protected function inherit(array $items, array $hostids = null) { ir (empty($items)) { return true; } //prepare the child items $newItems = $this->prepareInheritedItems($items, $hostids); if (!$newItems) { return true; } $insertItems = array(); $updateItems = array(); foreach ($newItems as $newItem) { if (isset($newItem['itemid'])) { $updateItems[] = $newItem; } else { $newItem['flags'] = ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_RULE; $insertItems[] = $newItem; } } // save the new items $this->createReal($insertItems); $this->updateReal($updateItems); // propagate the inheritance to the children return $this->inherit(array_merge($updateItems, $insertItems)); }
CItemPrototype.php: CItemPrototype->syncTemplates
public function syncTemplates($data) { $data['templateids'] = zbx_toArray($data['templateids']); $data['hostids'] = zbx_toArray($data['hostids']); $selectFields = array(); foreach ($this->fieldRules as $key => $rules) { if (!isset($rules['system']) && !isset($rules['host'])) { $selectFields[] = $key; } } $items = $this->get(array( 'hostids' => $data['templateids'], 'preservekeys' => true, 'selectApplications' => API_OUTPUT_REFER, 'output' => $selectFields )); foreach ($items as $inum => $item) { $items[$inum]['applications'] = zbx_objectValues($item['applications'], 'applicationis'); } $this->inherit($items, $data['hostids']); return true; }
CItemPrototype.php: CItemPrototype->inherit
protected function inherit(array $items, array $hostids = null) { if (!$items) { return true; } // fetch the corresponding discovery rules for the child items $ruleids = array(); $dbResult = DBselect( 'SELECT i.itemid AS ruleid, id.itemid, i.hostid'. ' FROM items i, item_discovery id'. ' WHERE i.templateid=id.parent_itemid'. ' AND '.dbConditionInt('id.itemid', zbx_objectValues($items, 'itemid')) ); while ($rule = DBfetch($dbResult)) { if (!isset($ruleids[$rule['itemid']])) { $ruleids[$rule['itemid']] = array(); } $ruleids[$rule['itemid']][$rule['hostid']] = $rule['ruleid']; } //prepare the child items $newItems = $this->prepareInheritedItems($items, $hostids); if (!$items) { return true; } $insertItems = array(); $updateItems = array(); foreach ($newItems as $newItem) { if (isset($newItem['itemid'])) { unset($newItem['ruleid']); $updateItems[] = $newItem; } else { // set the corresponding discovery rule id for the new items $newItem['ruleid'] = $ruleids[$newItem['templateid']][$newItem['hostid']]; $newItem['flags'] = ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_PROTOTYPE; $insertItems[] = $newItem; } } // save the new items $this->createReal($insertItems); $this->updateReal($updateItems); //propagate the inheritance to the children $this->inherit(array_merge($insertItems, $updateItems)); }
CHostPrototype.php: CHostPrototype->syncTemplates
/** * Inherits all host prototypes from the templates given in "templateids" to hosts or templates given in "hostids". * * @param array $data * * @return bool */ public function syncTemplates(array $data) { $data['templateids'] = zbx_toArray($data['templateids']); $data['hostids'] = zbx_toArray($data['hostids']); $discoveryRules = API::DiscoveryRule()->get(array( 'output' => array('itemid'), 'hostids' => $data['templateids'] )); $hostPrototypes = $this->get(array( 'discoveryids' => zbx_objectValues($discoveryRules, 'itemid'), 'preservekeys' => true, 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'selectGroupLinks' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'selectGroupPrototypes' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'selectTemplates' => array('templateid'), 'selectDiscoveryRule' => array('itemid') )); foreach ($hostPrototypes as &$hostPrototype) { //merge group links into group prototypes foreach ($hostPrototype['groupLinks'] as $group) { $hostPrototype['groupPrototypes'][] = $group; } unset($hostPrototype['groupLinks']); // the ID of the discovery rule must be passed in the "ruleid" parameter $hostPrototype['ruleid'] = $hostPrototype['discoveryRule']['itemid']; unset($hostPrototype['discoveryRule']); } unset($hostPrototype); $this->inherit($hostPrototypes, $data['hostids']); return true; }
CHostPrototype.php: CHostPrototype->inherit
/** * Updates the children of the host prototypes on the given hosts and propagates the inheritance to the child hosts. * @param array $hostPrototypes array of host prototypes to inherit * @param array $hostids array of hosts to inherit to; if set to null, the children will be updated on all child hosts * * @return bool */ protected function inherit(array $hostPrototypes, array $hostids = null) { if (empty($hostPrototypes)) { return true; } //prepare the child host prototypes $newHostPrototypes = $this->prepareInheritedObjects($hostPrototypes, $hostids); if (!$newHostPrototypes) { return true; } $insertHostPrototypes = array(); $updateHostPrototypes = array(); foreach ($newHostPrototypes as $newHostPrototype) { if (isset($newHostPrototype['hostid'])) { $updateHostPrototypes[] = $newHostPrototype; } else {
CItem.php: CItem->syncTemplates
public function syncTemplates($data) { $data['templateids'] = zbx_toArray($data['templateids']); $data['hostids'] = zbx_toArray($data['hostid']); $selectFields = array(); foreach ($this->fieldRules as $key => $rules) { if (!isset($rules['system']) && !isset($rules['host'])) { $selectFields[] = $key; } } $items = $this->get(array( 'hostids' => $data['templateids'], 'preservekeys' => true, 'selectApplications' => API_OUTPUT_REFER, 'output' => $selectFields, 'filter' => array('flags' => ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL) )); foreach ($items as $inum => $item) { $items[$inum]['applications'] = zbx_objectValues($item['applications'], 'applicationid'); } $this->inherit($items, $data['hostids']); return true; }
CHttpTestManager.php: CHttpTestManager->link
/** * Link http tests in template to hosts. * * @param $templateId * @param $hostIds */ public function link($templateId, $hostIds) { $hostIds = zbx_toArray($hostIds); $httpTests = array(); $dbCursor = DBselect( 'SELECT ht.httptestid,, ht.applicationid, ht.delay, ht.status, ht.variables, ht.agent,'. 'ht.authentication, ht.http_user, ht.http_password, ht.hostid, ht.templateid, ht.http_proxy, ht.retries'. ' FROM httptest ht'. ' WHERE ht.hostid = '.zbx_dbstr($templateId) ); while ($dbHttpTest = DBfetch($dbCursor)) { $httpTests[$dbHttpTest['httptestid']] = $dbHttpTest; } $dbCursor = DBselect( 'SELECT hs.httpstepid, hs.httptestid,,, hs.url, hs.timeout, hs.posts, hs.variables, hs.required, hs.status_codes'. ' WHERE '.dbConditionInt('hs.httptestid', array_keys($httpTests)) ); while ($dbHttpStep = DBfetch($dbCursor)) { $httpTests[$dbHttpStep['httptestid']]['steps'][] = $dbHttpStep; } $this->inherit($httpTest, $hostIds); }
CTrigger.php: CTrigger->syncTemplates
/** * @param $data * * @return bool */ public function syncTemplates(array $data) { $data['templateids'] = zbx_toArray($data['templateids']); $data['hostids'] = zbx_toArray($data['hostids']); $triggers = $this->get(array( 'hostids' => $data['templateids'], 'preservekeys' => true, 'output' => array( 'triggerid', 'expression', 'description', 'url', 'status', 'priority', 'comments', 'type' ) )); foreach ($triggers as $trigger) { $trigger['expression'] = explode_exp($trigger['expression']); $this->inherit($trigger, $data['hostids']); } return true; }
CTriggerPrototype.php: CTriggerPrototype->syncTemplates
public function syncTemplates(array $data) { $data['templateids'] = zbx_toArray($data['templateids']); $data['hostids'] = zbx_toArray($data['hostids']); $triggers = $this->get(array( 'hostids' => $data['templateids'], 'preservekeys' => true, 'output' => array( 'triggerid', 'expression', 'description', 'url', 'status', 'priority', 'comments', 'type' ) )); foreach ($triggers as $trigger) { $trigger['expression'] = explode_exp($trigger['expression']); $this->inherit($trigger, $data['hostids']); } return true; }
CGraphPrototype.php: CGraphPrototype->syncTemplates
/** * Inherit template graphs from template to host * * @param array $data * * @return bool */ public function syncTemplates($data) { $data['templateids'] = zbx_toArray($data['templateids']); $data['hostids'] = zbx_toArray($data['hostids']); $dbLinks = DBSelect( 'SELECT ht.hostid, ht.templateid'. ' FROM hosts_templates ht'. ' WHERE '.dbConditionInt('ht.hostid', $data['hostids']). ' AND '.dbConditionInt('ht.templateid', $data['templateids']) ); $linkage = array(); while ($link = DBfetch($dbLinks)) { if (!isset($linkage[$link['tempalteid']])) { $linkage[$link['tempateid']] = array(); } $linkage[$link['templateid']][$link['hostid']] = 1; } $graphs = $this->get(array( 'hostids' => $data['templateids'], 'preservekeys' => true, 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'selectGraphItems' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'filter' => array('flags' => null) )); foreach ($graphs as $graph) { foreach ($data['hostids' as $hostid) { if (isset($linkage[$graph['hosts'][0]['hostid']][$hostid])) { $this->inherit($graph, $hostid); } } } return true; }
CGraph.php: Graph->syncTemplates
/** * Inherit template graphs from template to host. * * @param array $data * * @return bool */ public function syncTemplates($data) { $data['templateids'] = zbx_toArray($data['templateids']); $data['hostids'] = zbx_toArray($data['hostids']); $dbLinks = DBSelect( 'SELECT ht.hostid, ht.templateid'. ' FROM hosts_templates ht'. ' WHERE '.dbConditionInt('ht.hostid', $data['hostids']). ' AND '.dbConditionInt('ht.templateid', $data['templateids']) ); $linkage = array(); while ($link = DBfetch($dbLinks)) { if (!isset(linkage[$link['templateid']])) { $linkage[$link['templateid']] = array(); } $linkage[$link['templateid']][$link['hostid']] = 1; } $graphs = $this->get(array( 'hostids' => $data['templateids'], 'preservekeys' => true, 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'selectGraphItems' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND )); foreach ($graphs as $graph) { foreach ($data['hostids'] as $hostid) { if (isset($linkage[$graph['hosts'][0]['hostid']][$hostid])) { $this->inherit($graph, $hostid); } } } return true; }
CTrigger.php: CTrigger->syncTemplateDependencies
/** * Synchronizes the templated trigger dependencies on the given hosts inherited from the given templates. * Update dependencies, do it after all triggers that can be dependent were created/updated on * all child hosts/templates. Strating from highest level template triggers select triggers from * one level lower, then for each lower trigger look if it's parent has dependencies, if so * find this dependency trigger child on dependent trigger host and add new dependency. * * @param array $data * * @return void */ public function syncTemplateDependencies(array $data) { $templateIds = zbx_toArray($data['templateids']); $hostids = zbx_toArray($data['hostids']); $parentTriggers = $this->get(array( 'hostids' => $templateIds, 'preservekeys' => true, 'output' => array('triggerid'), 'selectDependencies' => API_OUTPUT_REFER )); if ($parentTriggers) { $childTriggers = $this->get(array( 'hostids' => ($hostIds) ? $hostIds : null, 'filter' => array('templateid => array_keys($parentTriggers)), 'nopermissions' => true, 'preservekeys' => true, 'output' => array('triggerid', 'templateid'), 'selectDependencies' => API_OUTPUT_REFER, 'selectHosts' => array('hostid') )); if ($childTriggers) { $newDependencies = array(); foreach ($childTriggers as $childTrigger) { $parentDependencies = $parentTriggers[$childTrigger['templateid']]['dependencies']; if ($parentDependencies) { $dependencies = array(); foreach ($parentDependencies as $depTrigger) { $dependencies[] = $depTrigger['triggerid']; } $host = reset($childTrigger['hosts']); $dependencies = replace_template_dependencies($dependencies, $host['hostid']); foreach ($dependencies as $triggerId => $depTriggerId) { $newDependencies[] = array( 'triggerid' => $childTrigger['triggerid'], 'dependsOnTriggerid' => $depTriggerId ); } } } $this->deleteDependencies($childTriggers); if ($newDependencies) { $this->addDependencies($newDependencies); } } } }